The Better Living program at Electrolux aims to shape a better and more sustainable future for our world. Discover more about Electrolux and Sustainability.
Sustainability is important to us
We are firmly committed to reducing our impact on the environment, by becoming a better company, by being more efficient, creating more environmentally friendly appliances and promoting better eating, garment care and home environments, to shape a better future for all.
23 Crowd-Sourced Sustainability Tips for your 2023
If in 2023 you want to do that bit better when it comes to sustainability, Electrolux has crowd-sourced 23 tips to inspire and move you toward a viable future.
Sustainability Summit & Awards
2021 sees Electrolux partner with the Sustainability Awards and Summit for the first year to present the award for Multi-Residential Dwelling and participate in a panel discussion on Circular Economy Ideas For Adaptive Reuse Of Buildings.
3 Swedish Innovations That Inspire Food Sustainability
Explore the benefits of Swedish traditions with food sustainability and organic food that help to change the way we look at cooking and entertainment.